Are you ready to ramp up your creative business… but have no idea where to start or if you’re “doing it right”!?
Joanne Lauzon—artist, creative play coach, Director at CAMP, + co-author of the Panic-Free Pricing e-course—is now offering a limited number of private creative business coaching sessions.
These coaching calls are perfect for you if:
- you are ready to turn your creative passion into profit!
- you aren’t sure if your work is “good enough” to sell
- you are open to an honest portfolio review, and discussion of your strengths and recommended areas of improvement
- you are committed to focusing your energy on the development of your creative business
- you have questions about best business practices, how to work with clients, building and maintaining customer relationships, and of course, pricing
- you could use some hand-holding and cheerleading as you start working with clients
Save your spot today!
Once your purchase is complete, you’ll be directed to an intake form to provide:
- 5 to 10 portfolio pics
- links to your website, social media, and online shops
- your current products/services and prices/rates
- answers to some super easy—and fun!—biz questions
Once I have received your intake form, I’ll contact you to schedule your session! We tackle all three hours in one call, so you’ll be fired up and ready to rock as soon as the session is over!
What will the session(s) cover?*
The First Hour > Portfolio
—After looking though the photos you provide, we’ll discuss your strengths, which areas to work on, and what to feature moving forward.
The Second Hour > Presence
—I’ll visit your website, social media, and online shops and provide feedback on how you are presenting yourself to the world.
The Third Hour > Pricing
—We’ll go through your offerings, and set pricing for your featured products/services.
—You’ll have a chance to ask me any of those nagging biz questions.
Yes! Sign me up!
* PS: While the Portfolio/Presence/Pricing structure works well for creative biz owners, that might not be what you are looking for. These PepTalk sessions can be used however you like or need—we can even split them into two 90-minute or three one-hour sessions. Let’s talk… Book a free 20-minute “Hello!” so we can chat about which direction will work best for you!